We understand that if you are new, you may feel especially intimidated coming into a yoga studio for the first time: What do you do if you need a break? Where do you put your shoes? And if you are like me, wondering if anyone is looking at your toes in need of a pedicure. At Ayuh Yoga, we offer consultations and private sessions where you can have your questions answered and get some yoga experience before entering the room for the first time.
If you are new to yoga, you have the option of "trading in" your Ayuh Yoga Full Membership that first month in exchange for three (3) private sessions with a yoga instructor. You will understand yoga etiquette, how postures should look and feel, and remove that worry about your toes!
Here is some more information about consultations and private sessions:
* We can schedule a consultation with our personal trainers, yoga instructors, and/or Pilates instructor.
* If you are new to personal training, yoga or Pilates, consultations give you the opportunity to discuss your health and fitness goals and hear suggestions to make those goals a reality.
* Consultations allow you to get to know the instructors better and remove some of the intimidation you may feel when starting here. If you already feel comfortable here, consultations allow you to check-in.
* During your consultation, you may hear a number of offerings that are available at Ayuh Yoga including one-on-one sessions for yoga, Pilates, and fitness. These sessions are private and may be best suited for new students, people with specific needs related to most anything including pregnancy and post-natal, weight or joint issues. These sessions also allow the instructors to direct their full attention to you--correcting alignment and tailoring the program specifically to your needs, including schedule.
Here at Ayuh Yoga, we are most concerned with your health and want to make sure you are getting the most out of your yoga practice.
See you soon!
Ayuh Yoga