April 16, 2011

Yogi Questions, Guru Answers (a new series)

As part of the renewed efforts to generate quality, fun, and interesting blog posts to all of you, I am happy to introduce a new post series.

Remember that one time during practice or a long drive, when you asked yourself,

"How many types of different breathing methods are there?"


"Is it rude to ask questions during practice?"

or while we are at it, what about this one:

"What can I do to enjoy Shavasana more?"

How cool would it be to get answers directly from your favorite yoga instructors at Ayuh Yoga?

 The Yogi Questions, Guru Answers series will be a collection of blog posts that answer some easy or difficult, and common or unique questions relating to anything and everything yoga, health, the studio, life... (you get the hint).

The best part? You run the flow.

Here is How it Works: 

1. Submit a question you want answers to via my email here.
Note: Be sure to include the subject line: Yogi Questions Guru Answers

2. I will pose your question to a selection of available instructors at the studio.

3. Not only will I get those questions answered, i will get you a series of answers from a handful of available instructors at the studio!

4. End result? An entire post to fill your head with a variety of guru knowledge and responses!

Send me your questions and lets get this yogi party started......
