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July 25, 2011

What's Your Yoga?

I'm constantly telling people off the street to do yoga. Just ONCE! I say. Sometimes I get an Amen!, other times I get the stink eye.


My new neighbor was walking past my house the other day when I was getting out of the car. We hadn't formally met yet, and our first conversation went something like this:

Me: Hidey Ho Neighbor!
Neighbor: Hidey Ho! (laughing)
Me: Nice walk?
Neighbor: My neck sure does hurt from [insert injury]. Thought I'd get some fresh air.
Me: You should really try yoga.
Neighbor: ::blank stare::

In less comical situations, questions do come up on the different styles and types of classes to take, when presented with my DO YOGA RIGHT NOW! conversations.

If you are one of me and want to spread the Yoga Bliss all around the world (I know you are out there), or are on the other end of the spreading-the-yoga-love-fever, I came across this aesthetically pleasing and gloriously informative What's Your Yoga? quiz from the wonderful blog of Alison Hinks (yoga teacher and artist based in Durham, NC). 

If the link doesnt work, click here to find your yoga!

I took this quiz 5 times (because it was fun!) and have decided that second by second, on any given day--- all of yoga is for me. And you too.

Share your quiz results below! 

(Mad props to Alison Hinks for letting me share! Can't wait to read more of you.)


  1. Ok so i took the quiz twice: Forest yoga and power yoga! (however I will do any yoga!) :)

  2. Power Yoga is the one for me <3
    actually, all kinds of yoga are perfect

